During my postpartum checkup six weeks after welcoming my son, my doctor gave me some unexpected advice: Keep taking my prenatals. The etymology of the word — pre, or before — gave me the impression that I only needed to take them while I was pregnant.

So, what exactly is the purpose of prenatal vitamins, and how long do you really need them? For these answers and more, I turned to a few experts: Dorothy Bestoyong, DO, an OB/GYN based in Orlando, Florida; Caledonia Buckheit, MD, an OB/GYN based in Raleigh, North Carolina; and Anna Bohnengel, MS, RD, LD, a registered dietitian nutritionist based in Oregon and founder of Fertility Nutritionist.

woman taking prenatal vitamins postpartum

When to start taking a prenatal vitamin

Our experts say it’s best to start taking prenatals as early as three months prior to trying to conceive (TTC). Dr. Buckheit adds that she also recommends taking a prenatal while TTC, as well as avoiding alcohol and illicit drugs.

“This time frame allows essential nutrients, like folate, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, to build up in the body, supporting early fetal development even before a woman knows she is pregnant,” Bohnengel says. “Since nearly half of pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned, starting prenatals early is a proactive way to support fertility, optimize egg health, and protect early fetal development.”

While those first few weeks are crucial for baby’s development, there’s no need to panic if you haven’t started taking prenatals — just make sure to add them to your routine and consult with your OB/GYN for standard testing ASAP.

“A healthy balanced diet should contain adequate nutrients for most, so don’t stress,” Dr. Buckheit says. “But when possible, early prenatal vitamins can cover anyone who might be deficient or have low dietary intake.”

woman shopping for prenatal vitamins

What to look for in a prenatal vitamin

You’ll also want to make sure you’re getting specific ingredients found in many popular prenatals for neural tube development, which Dr. Buckheit identifies as the beginning stage of baby’s brain and nervous system. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Folic acid or folate: “Folic acid is critical for neural tube development, which takes place in the first month of pregnancy before many people realize they are pregnant,” Dr. Bestoyong says. The recommended dosage is 400 micrograms (mcg) per day, according to both Dr. Bestoyong and Dr. Buckheit.
  • DHA: An omega-3 fatty acid, DHA is needed for brain and eye development.
  • Choline: More than 90 percent of the U.S. population does not eat the recommended amount of choline, and pregnant and lactating women are at a greater risk for “choline insufficiency,” since their dosage should increase from 425 milligrams (mg) per day to 450 to 550 mg per day for baby’s brain development.
  • Iron: Bohnengel says adequate iron levels help prevent anemia, ensuring oxygen is efficiently delivered to the baby.

Your diet can also increase your intake of these essential ingredients. Some of Bohnengel’s favorites include folate-rich foods like leafy greens, lentils, and avocado; omega-3 fats from salmon, anchovies, or sardines; and choline-rich foods like eggs (Psst — make sure to eat the yolks!).

prenatal vitamin bottles near a mom and her newborn baby

Taking prenatal or postnatal vitamins after pregnancy

There are no risks or harms involved for non-pregnant people taking a prenatal or postnatal vitamin in the fourth trimester and beyond, but Bohnengel warns that excess iron may be unnecessary and can cause constipation, nausea, or, in rare cases, iron overload. Most often, Dr. Bestoyong says it’s up to her patients to decide.

“It depends on each patient's individualized goals, diet, etc.,” she says. “If they do not have any issues or big gaps in nutrients it may not be necessary. However a lot of postpartum patients typically err on the side of taking prenatal or postnatal vitamins just in case.”

Dr. Buckheit adds that this might be important for nursing and pumping moms, who may require more nutrients postpartum.

“Making milk uses a lot of maternal energy and nutrients, so prenatal vitamins provide additional supplementation of key factors like iron, calcium and vitamin D,” Dr. Buckheit says. “My typical recommendation is to finish out whatever prenatals you already have, then buy a women’s multivitamin or a ‘postnatal.’”

It can also come in handy when you’re in the throes of early postpartum, when you’re exhausted and experiencing the wild learning curve of parenthood.

“Getting balanced meals on the table can feel like an insurmountable feat while juggling a newborn,” Bohnengel says. “A high quality prenatal helps fill in the gaps when you might not have time or energy to focus on your own nutrition.”

woman working on her laptop next to a collection of prenatal vitamins

Deciding which prenatal vitamin is right for you

The main takeaway? Taking a prenatal, postnatal, or multivitamin, depending on which stage of pregnancy planning you’re in, may work for you — but it’s not necessarily required.

“At the end of the day, a balanced and nutrient dense diet is the best thing you can do for you and your baby pre, during, and after pregnancy,” Dr. Buckheit says. “I think of the role of prenatal vitamins and multivitamins in general as a backup in case some nutrients are lacking from diet here and there.”

You also don’t need to shell out for the most expensive products on the market to get the nutrients you need. Dr. Buckheit typically recommends Nature Made prenatals, but she reiterates that it's only one part of taking care of your and your baby’s overall well-being.

“No supplement will replace good dietary choices (including limiting ultra processed foods) and regular exercise when it comes to your health and the health of your pregnancy!” she says.

Blake Bakkila is a freelance writer and editor with eight years of experience covering topics including baby and parenting, food, health, pop culture, and interior design. Her work has appeared in the digital publications of Architectural Digest, Sunset, Delish, and more. She highlighted the best, most game-changing baby and parenting products as the former senior commerce editor at What to Expect and BabyCenter, and she’s also held editorial positions at Good Housekeeping, Health, Real Simple, and People. Blake holds a bachelor’s in journalism from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. When she’s not typing, you can usually find her watching anything on Bravo, entertaining her son Rhode, and conducting field research on the best ice cream in Southern California.