At-home hormone testing kits are trending, and it’s easy to see why. These convenient kits ship right to your doorstep so you can check your hormone levels without even leaving the couch. Plus, they’re way more affordable than a trip to a fertility clinic.  

While at-home testing can give you some insight into what’s going on with your hormones, knowing your levels is only one piece of the puzzle. It's about nourishing your body inside and out, taking care of your mental health, staying informed with reliable information, and building a support team that’s got your back.

Checking your hormone levels at home? Here's what to know

From irregular periods to mood swings, your hormones can keep you guessing. And if you’re trying to grow your family, understanding what’s happening in your body is even more critical. Yet, most people don't actually know what their hormone levels mean.

Taking charge of your fertility starts with sorting through the confusion and getting expert advice from a trusted source. That's where Mira’s Hormone Health Clinic comes in. 

“Ongoing testing of E3G, LH, PdG, and FSH provides a full cycle mapping and insights into the underlying hormone pattern,” says NFP Practitioner at Mira’s Hormone Health Clinic, Rosemary MacKenzie, RN. While tracking ovulation can be helpful, it doesn’t give you the full picture. “To confirm that ovulation has actually taken place, monitoring progesterone levels is more reliable, MacKenzie points out. 

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Even if you have regular periods, “[that] doesn’t necessarily mean your hormones are perfectly balanced,” Mackenzie explains. “Subtle hormonal fluctuations, such as minor changes in thyroid levels, might not show obvious symptoms but can still impact your health.” The thing is, you may not know that by simply looking at your hormone charts. 

With Mira’s Hormone Health Clinic, you'll get access to an expert fertility hormone health practitioner to help interpret your results and receive a personalized plan to understand and improve your fertility. 

“The hormone health practitioners’ expertise in interpreting hormone data, providing emotional support, listening actively, and offering multiple opinions complements the valuable insights gained from at-home testing,” says Mackenzie.

Working with a fertility practitioner means you’re supported every step of the way

“By preparing your medical history, current treatments, and a timeline of events, and by being open about all aspects of your health, you can ensure a productive coaching relationship,” adds Mackenzie. 

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Your lifestyle can also impact your hormone health

Understanding your hormones is one thing, but your daily habits also play a significant role in shaping your fertility health. Everything from the food you eat to your stress levels can impact your hormones — but your fertility practitioner can help with this, too. 

“A balanced diet rich in healthy fats, proteins, complex carbohydrates, and anti-inflammatory foods can support hormonal balance,” says Mackenzie. “Managing stress, staying hydrated, and supporting gut health are crucial.” 

Having a solid support system — whether it’s friends, family, or one of Mira’s expert hormone health practitioners — can also make a huge difference. Support systems act as a buffer, helping you cope with stress and anxiety. And working with a fertility practitioner can be a reassuring reminder that you’re not alone. 

Remember, the content you consume can impact your well-being, too. Who you follow on social media, what you read online, and all that negativity on the news can weigh you down. When it comes to your health, stick to the science. There’s so much misinformation on the internet with the magic cures and fad diets promising to “really work.” Instead, turn to credible sources and expert advice when learning how your hormones impact fertility. 

Rescripted's expert-led podcast, From First Period To Last Period, covers all of the once-taboo women’s health topics — from painful sex to fibroids — and the result is powerful conversations you won’t hear about everywhere else. 

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Mira’s got your back

If you’re trying to conceive, consider Mira’s at-home Get Pregnant Bundle your one-stop shop, packed with everything you need: the Mira Hormone Monitor, hormone-tracking wands, prenatal vitamins, and even fertility tea. Plus, you'll have access to the Mira app and a free silicone urine cup for tracking your ovulation and pregnancy testing. 

Take control of your fertility journey and get the support you deserve. Booking a consultation with one of Mira’s expert hormone health pracitioners is an excellent first step. 

Use code RESCRIPTED20 to get 20% off all Mira products, including monitors, supplements, hormone testing kits, their Get Pregnant Course, and more. Head to Mira’s website to see everything they have to offer, and best of luck on your fertility journey! 

Blair Sharp is a freelance writer who lives in Minnesota with her husband and son. Her words have been published in various publications, including Parents, SheKnows, The Bump, and Insider. Find her writing daily on LinkedIn and check out her weekly newsletter, Hey Freelancer! Head to her website for more.

From first period to last period, be the expert in you.

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