All couples navigate their family planning journey differently. But, no matter where your journey takes you, you may start by exploring which fertility option is the best and most viable for you and your family.  Along the way, you may also find that hearing others’ stories of how they navigated family-building proves to be helpful and eases any feelings of isolation. This is especially true for LGBTQIA+ couples who have the added task of researching everything from legal questions to finding LGBTQIA-affirming medical providers.  Mafê Villas Boas shared some insight into how they/she and their/her partner,...

Vivian Nunez • May 15, 2023

So you’ve decided to do pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) on your embryos, and now that you’ve gotten the results back you find out some of your embryos are mosaics. You’ve heard of aneuploid and euploid embryos before, but what is a mosaic embryo? Can mosaics be transferred?  Let’s take a step back for a second.  What is a mosaic embryo? A euploid embryo is normal, and all of the cells in the embryo have the right number of chromosomes (46). An aneuploid embryo is abnormal, and all of its cells have a different number...

Sean Lauber • May 15, 2023

As soon as the words “donor eggs” left my doctor's mouth and hit my ears, my whole world came crashing down. There was no way I was going to do that.  After my husband Michael and I got married in 2012, we started trying to have a baby. We found out quickly that Michael had male factor fertility challenges, but we never suspected I would have fertility issues as well. After four intrauterine inseminations (IUI), all of which failed, we were referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist.   During our visits, we discovered that I had low...

Meta Getman • May 12, 2023

There is nothing quite like being a dad.  Before I became a dad to my firstborn on a foggy Tuesday morning in May 2020, I was an expectant dad who understood how everything could change in a heartbeat.  Soon after my son was born, a nurse whisked me away from my wife’s side to be at his for comfort. I remember whispering to him, “Hey buddy, this is Daddy… I’m right here.” I placed my right index finger in the palm of his left grip, and the moment he grasped onto it with his tiny...

Kelly Jean-Philippe • May 12, 2023

Many women are familiar with or have heard of endometriosis and the painful, heavy periods and pelvic discomfort that may come with it. Adenomyosis is a disease that causes similar symptoms, which is why it can be misdiagnosed as other conditions, such as fibroids or endometriosis. It is, however, its own condition.  With the help of Dr. Jessica Bauer of IVF MD, in this article we will walk you through what adenomyosis is, the signs and symptoms to look out for, how it differs from another, more common gynecological condition, and what options there are...

Brighid Flynn • May 10, 2023

You know the drill: one minute you're feeling on top of the world, and the next, you're crying over a sad dog commercial. As women, our emotions are closely tied to our hormones, which can be influenced by our monthly menstrual cycles. Understanding how our hormonal fluctuations may impact our mood throughout the month can help us be better prepared to manage those feelings when they arise.  The science of ovulation Throughout the month, women's bodies undergo a hormonal dance that can make us feel like we're on a never-ending rollercoaster. In fact, according to...

Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo • May 9, 2023

  Another day, another headline about something that may (or may not) affect fertility. If you’re in the throes of trying to conceive, we understand how this goes: You read and analyze and hold on to every piece of information that comes your way. You do your very, very best to reconfigure your lifestyle so that everything you eat or drink or do best aligns with recommendations from the ever-evolving body of research surrounding reproductive health. Maybe you even do this at the expense of your mental and physical health — because there’s a lot of...

Zara Hanawalt • May 8, 2023

If you’re anything like us, you might find yourself learning something new on TikTok every day. Whether it’s a life hack that, as the famous audio says, has become an unconscious standard practice in your life or, perhaps, something that was skipped over in your high school's Sex Ed class, TikTok can be an extremely informative tool when used correctly.  However, as with anything you read or learn on the internet, you should always fact-check what you hear on TikTok by conducting simple, well-accredited research of your own.  For example, there is currently a trending hashtag...

Kristyn Hodgdon • May 5, 2023

Predicting when ovulation starts is one thing, but trying to tell when it's over is an entirely different challenge. For some of us, the start of ovulation is obvious – maybe you get cramps, a little bit of bloating, some cravings, and the inexplicable urge to buy a dozen baby onesies, but what about when it's all over? When is it time to close the blinds on your fertility window and resume your regularly scheduled programming? Fear not if you're tired of playing the ovulation guessing game with your body. There are ways to pinpoint...

Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo • May 4, 2023

Navigating a pregnancy loss can be difficult, no matter how early in the pregnancy it has occurred. Chemical pregnancies are miscarriages that occur before the fifth week of pregnancy, and they can be just as distressing as any other type of pregnancy loss.  According to the American Pregnancy Association, these early miscarriages are called "chemical" pregnancies because the pregnancy hormone hCG can be detected in the urine or blood, but the fetus cannot yet be seen on an ultrasound. Often, a person will have a positive home urine pregnancy test, only to have period-like (or...

Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo • May 3, 2023