It’s no secret that major, or sometimes even minor, life transitions and challenges can put a lot of stress on relationships. Infertility is one such stressor that can take its toll on both partners, wearing away at their patience, intimacy, and healthy habits.  So, Can Marriage Survive Infertility? Couples counseling can help that. It can help you both feel seen, heard, and understood, so that it doesn’t feel as though you are on opposite teams but representing the same jersey and fighting for your future together. Keep reading for some ways you and your partner...

Brighid Flynn • Mar 28, 2023

If you know you want to have children in the future — or if you simply want to keep your reproductive options open —  egg freezing can be an empowering way to preserve your fertility health. When considering egg freezing, it’s normal for individuals to ask questions like: “What does the egg freezing process entail?", "How do I assess my fertility health?" and "How much do fertility treatments cost?"  Dr. Katherine L. Palmerola, MD, FACOG, is a double board-certified OBGYN and REI Physician at IVFMD. Every day, she helps individuals tackle fertility-related questions, particularly around egg freezing. ...

Vivian Nunez • Mar 27, 2023

26% of the global population menstruates; and yet, women's period symptoms are often played down, ignored, or dismissed as 'normal.' You know your body better than anyone else, so what are some menstrual cycle red flags to look out for? From absent or irregular periods to severe pain and everything in between, we’ve come up with a list of 5 period symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore.   Period Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore 1. Skipped or Absent Periods While the most obvious possibility for a missed period may be pregnancy, there are other causes that could...

Brighid Flynn • Mar 22, 2023

Age is often brought up in conversations around female fertility. The number “35” will get thrown around, and while it is a crucial age, it’s also important to understand why 35 has become the benchmark for discussions around fertility (and infertility).   According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, there is a sharp decline in fertility throughout a woman's 30s.  “For healthy couples in their 20s and early 30s, around 1 in 4 women will get pregnant in any single menstrual cycle,” explains the ACOG. “By age 40, around 1 in 10 will get...

Vivian Nunez • Mar 19, 2023

Bacterial Vaginosis, or "BV", is a common vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. While it is usually not a serious condition, it can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms including itching, burning, and discharge. BV can also have an impact on fertility. Recent research has shown that BV can disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in the reproductive tract, leading to a range of complications that can make it more difficult to become pregnant. But don't panic just yet — in this article, we'll explore the link between Bacterial Vaginosis and fertility...

Michelle Meyer • Mar 18, 2023

If you're considering surrogacy as a way to grow your family, then you know you have a lot of big decisions ahead. One of the toughest decisions you'll face is whether to work with a surrogacy agency or embark on an independent journey. Both options — using an agency or exploring an independent journey — have their pros and cons; ultimately, the choice comes down to what's best for you and your situation. Knowing the differences between using a surrogacy agency and pursuing surrogacy on your own will help you make a choice that best...

Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo • Mar 18, 2023

If you’re at all familiar with the world of fertility treatments, chances are good that you’ve heard of IUI and IVF. While they are both treatment options to help increase a patient’s chance of getting pregnant, they are quite different in the procedures involved to costs and success rates.  So, what are the differences between IUI and IVF? To help us break it all down, we spoke with reproductive endocrinologist and geneticist Dr. Jonah Bardos, medical director and founding physician at CCRM Fertility in Miami. Keep reading to learn more about IUI and IVF and which option...

Brighid Flynn • Mar 16, 2023

If you’re considering undergoing IVF or egg freezing, you’re likely nervous about so many aspects of the process. The financial toll, the time commitment, the injections, the hormonal shifts, the emotional upheaval…and that’s not an even exhaustive list. But there’s one complication people may incur when undergoing fertility treatments, and it’s something not many people discuss. The good news? Thanks to advances in the field of reproductive endocrinology, this complication in question is rare. We’re talking about ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), which, according to Mayo Clinic, is an exaggerated response to excess hormones. “It is...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Mar 15, 2023

Infertility brings anyone struggling to become a parent into a single club. We’re all different, with different stories and circumstances, but somehow, also all the same.  I am certainly no different. I wanted to be a parent for as long as I can remember. We struggled for years through multiple rounds of timed intercourse, IUIs, and IVF, until I had run out of options. None of the 14 embryos my husband and I created made it to blastocyst. None made it past day three, indicating the problem in development was with my eggs.  It was...

Kristin Diversi • Mar 15, 2023

If you’ve been through fertility treatments, you know that the sheer amount of information that’s thrown your way is enough to make your head spin. There are also countless questions that must be answered and decisions that must be made and pieces of research that must be explored. For many people, the mental gymnastics of infertility is already wildly overwhelming before they’ve even set foot into a fertility clinic. Actually finding the right fertility clinic can be a massive challenge, for one thing. Newsweek recently released a list of the top fertility clinics in the...

Zara Hanawalt • Mar 14, 2023