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A Therapist's Tips For Supporting a Loved One Going Through Infertility with Dr. Ali Domar

So what do you need to know if someone you love is going through infertility? 1 of the first things you need to know is that infertility is really hard. The majority of women and men have psychiatric levels of anxiety and the majority of women have psychiatric levels of depression. In fact, Women with infertility report the same level as anxiety and depression as do women with a terminal illness, a 9% report of thinking about suicide. So why is it so hard?

Because it impacts every aspect of their lives. You know, to top it off, they're often blamed for it. And so what can you do? A negative pregnancy test for someone going through infertility is huge. It might mean they've gone through months of shots and blood tests and vaginal ultrasounds, let alone something like $20,000.

So don't just tell them to try again. Be there for them. Other people getting pregnant can be excruciating for someone going through infertility. So don't surprise them with your own happy news. You know, even ask in general how it's easiest for them to hear of a pregnancy announcement.

Ask them to host you. Don't ask them to host your baby share. Don't ask them to come to the hospital. Just ask what they need. A hug, ice cream, a quiet walk together.
