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4 Every Day Toxins To Avoid When Trying to Conceive

4 Everyday Toxins to Avoid When Trying to Conceive The first 1 is phthalates. Use only unscented products and look for phthalate-free labels in the things you buy. Get rid of plastic in your kitchen that touches or is used for food storage. Reduce the number of times you do take out, and avoid all plastics and food packaging. 2.

BPA or Bisphenol A is 1 of the most studied and well-known phenols. However, several BPA-free products and alternatives contain other hermal phenols like BPF or BPS, also similar to BPA. They have been associated with infertility in both men and women. Avoid plastic of all kinds in your kitchen and home. Reduce the consumption of canned foods and do not use any kind of air freshener at all in your home.

3, parabens. These chemicals can be found in many of your personal care products. Look for labels that say paraben free. 4, PFAS, AKA Forever Chemicals. Get rid of them by adding a reverse osmosis or activated water carbon filter to your home.

Get rid of all nonstick pans and cookware and reduce your processed and takeout food.