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4 Ways to Find Community on Your Fertility Journey

Be selective. Share your struggle with people who love you for being you and who make you feel good and supported when you connect, not depleted or judged. That will add to a strong and tight-knit community. It is so important to speak with others who've been through it or who are going through it. Truly no 1 else gets it in the same way.

Make yourself a team. It takes a village to make a baby. Ask your fertility coach, acupuncturist, doctor, therapist if they know anyone who's struggling who maybe wants to connect. I've hooked up clients a lot this way and they love it. Be honest.

You get to decide how much to share or not along the way, but be honest. You may feel awkward in what you're feeling, but then you may realize that so many people feel the same way and then boom, you have community.