A few days ago, a friend sent me a video featuring a conspiracy theory about Kate Middleton’s whereabouts. It led to what was, admittedly, a fascinating little rabbit hole to travel down, with more conspiracy theories along the way. But it also left me feeling incredibly disappointed about the way people are speculating about the royal’s health. For those who are unfamiliar, a refresher: In January, Kensington Palace announced that Kate underwent a planned abdominal surgery that would require a 10-14 day hospital stay. At the time, it was announced that Kate would resume public appearances...

Zara Hanawalt • Mar 19, 2024

Think back to the first time you heard the term “endometriosis” (which is a painful condition characterized by tissue similar to the lining of the uterus growing outside of the uterus). If you really think hard, there’s a decent chance that it was when you heard a celebrity speak out about their experience with the condition. Receiving an endometriosis diagnosis is notoriously difficult — according to Speak Endo, it frequently takes up to ten years for someone to get diagnosed. There are so many reasons for this (medical gaslighting, anyone?), and lack of awareness is definitely...

Zara Hanawalt • Mar 18, 2024

For some women, their period is the most dreaded time of the month — filled with menstrual cramps, migraines, and heavy bleeding that hinders their daily activities. Having a heavy flow can be especially hard when you are at work. You might experience anxiety about potential leaking or maybe even embarrassment that you are not feeling yourself or working up to your typical standard.  Don’t worry, though. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We’re here to listen, support, and acknowledge what you’re going through. We’ve also come up with some ways to help you better...

Brighid Flynn • Mar 18, 2024

Whether you’re just coming around to the idea of establishing a fitness routine, or you’re someone who already incorporates lots of movement and exercise into your days, you may wonder, "Is it bad to work out at night?" On the one hand, it’s easy to understand the “If I save my workout for bedtime, I’ll just wear myself out for a good night’s sleep!” school of thought. On the other hand, there has been speculation that regular evening workouts can negatively impact not only how long it takes you to fall asleep on average, but the...

Lindsey Williams • Mar 18, 2024

If you have a vagina and you’ve had some form of sex, there’s a good chance you’ve had bacterial vaginosis at one point in your life.  The infection is incredibly common, and it’s not something anyone should be embarrassed about. But you may have some questions. Namely: Why do I keep getting bacterial vaginosis? Does it have something to do with my sex partner(s)? Truth is, we’re still learning all there is to know about bacterial vaginosis. However, the growing body of evidence does point to sexual transmission of the infection. Here’s why you may be...

Sarah duRivage-Jacobs • Mar 12, 2024

This article is sponsored by BetterHelp, the world’s largest professional therapy platform, done online.  Recently, the word “trauma” has made its way into mainstream conversations and online discourse in a whole new way. We’re finally talking about the real, lasting effects tough experiences have on humans. And as a result, many of us are finally getting introspective about the things that have affected us throughout our lives. This is important — but it may also raise questions or uncertainties about how best to heal those traumas. Actually doing the work of trauma healing is hard, but...

Zara Hanawalt • Mar 12, 2024

The loss of a baby during pregnancy is traumatic. It doesn’t matter when or how it happens. In my experience, an early loss is the loss of your hopes and plans for the future, while a later loss is that and the loss of a loved one whom you’ve shared your body with for months; you’ve felt them living inside you and are attached — literally and otherwise. Both are a loss of time, which is no small thing for women in their late 30’s and 40’s. All are physically traumatic for the mother — whether...

Dana Kirchoff • Mar 12, 2024

One of the most frustrating things to encounter is unexplained menstrual pain, which can also often lead to unexplained infertility.  According to Endowhat.com, endometriosis is tissue similar, but not identical, to the lining of the uterus that is found elsewhere in the body. Endometriosis occurs in at least 7-15% of people assigned female at birth, with some experts believing it could be more like 25%. The reason that these statistics and many others aren’t fully confirmed is that the only way to confirm if someone has endometriosis is through a surgery called laparoscopy.  We spoke with Melissa Montes, MD,...

The Rescripted Team • Mar 10, 2024

If you've ever experienced period cramps or pelvic pain, you know it's no walk in the park. But what if I told you there's a new player in town, ready to change the game in pelvic pain management? Enter CBD suppositories, a revolutionary approach to managing pain that might just make you rethink your go-to remedies during that time of the month.  What's the deal with CBD? CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis plants. Unlike its cousin THC, CBD won't make you feel impaired. Instead, it's all about helping your body find balance...

The Rescripted Team • Mar 8, 2024

In 2018, actress and writer Lena Dunham penned an essay for Vogue about her journey with endometriosis and hysterectomy at age 31. After a decade of debilitating pain and multiple hospitalizations due to endometriosis, she decided to undergo a hysterectomy. “My uterus is worse than anyone could have imagined. It’s the Chinatown Chanel purse of nightmares, full of both subtle and glaring flaws,” said Dunham of her uterus after the procedure.  A hysterectomy is a major medical procedure with a long-term impact on fertility. However, for women with endometriosis, it can also be a lifeline to...

Erin Pettis • Mar 7, 2024